Stop Hay-fever


I love spring and summer! But I used to suffer from seasonal allergies and many of my family members and friends still do. I read that people (especially men) don’t like unsolicited expert advice and it takes humans hearing something new three times to absorb; but having studied nutrition and natural wellness since 1972, I’ll share the following information I read and hope it helps alleviate suffering.

I got rid of my chronic seasonal allergy symptoms in three steps.

Step 1: I replaced all cow dairy (milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc) with plant-based dairy ie: rice milk, soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, soy cheese, cashew cheese, etc. Plant-based foods are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. Casein cow milk protein is difficult to digest, the #1 secondary food allergen, highly mucous forming, and breaks down into casomorphin opioids. Incompletely digested proteins adsorbed into the blood stream cause the histamine (allergy) immune response. Enzymes are key to all biochemical bodily processes including digestion. It takes ten metabolic enzymes to make one digestive enzyme because digestion is the most difficult bodily task so “self-digesting” live enzyme containing raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds give digestive and immune systems a break and also increases enzyme stores.

Step 2: To acclimate my body to pollen protein I ate raw wild flowers with their pollen or flower pollen from a jar.

Step 3. I daily drink 100 ounces of blended fresh raw fruit, leafy greens, seeds, and water to stay hydrated, cleansed, and nourished with fuel (carbs), essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (anti cancer), phytonutrients, etc.

I’ve been seasonal allergy symptom free for many years. This blog post is my response to my friend’s complaint about seasonal allergies on Facebook, but my personal strategy to end my seasonal allergy symptoms could maybe work for anyone. I don’t know. Try it if you dare? Lol. I dared after suffering for many years and am always happy to find inexpensive natural-wellness solutions as mother nature intended.




